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Thursday, March 24, 2011

Back, again...

I have been terribly lax here, once again...

I had a whirlwind trip home, had the job of packing up our much loved and hardly lived in apartment, had the absolute joy of catching up with friends and family who took time out of their own busy lives and schedules to arrange dinners, drive 5 hours cross country and just generally make the time to add an hour or two of me into their time...

I have returned to a clearing snowy landscape, that seems almost ready to give way to spring and some sunshine - although not sunshine in the sense that we know it as Australians, because there's still not a lot of warmth in it.  And of course to SO, who by all accounts seemed to somewhat miss me while I wasn't around...

I have also managed to pick up a bout of what is likely just a bad case of gastro - but after 13 days of semi regular vomiting and diarrhoea, a day of excruciating tummy pain and being able to hold nothing at all in sent me off to visit the doctor...  A couple of hours, a couple of blood tests and a testing kit to bring home with me saw me collapse into bed halfway through yesterday afternoon from where I have only moved to run back and forth to the bathroom and go and wander aimlessly around the kitchen, looking for things that might last for more than 5 minutes in my tummy...

On the plus side - I might actually get to catch up with some FaceBook gossip, I have finally gotten around to making a blog post, and I am finally starting the reading for an on line course on blogging for scrapbookers that I have signed up to blogging for scrapbookers.  I have even managed to find a different template for the blog, and think I've successfully attached it - not sure if I'm loving it yet, but I'm happy to know that I can do it - so, even from the pre-course material I've learned something from my course already!!

I guess that's about all the sharing for now - probably more than anyone wanted anyhow, but that's the goings on lately!!


  1. No good that you are sick lovey, hope you get to the bottom (no pun intended) soon.
    Sorry we didnt get to catch up whilst you were here
    Good to see you blogging again
    Love me

  2. Welcome to class - hope you enjoy it.

  3. Thanks Kaz, I think I'm starting to feel a bit better - we're back at the end of June for 'summer break' hopefully we'll work something in then!!

    Thanks for dropping by Jinnag - I love Shimelle's blog, so I'm thinking her class will be great!

  4. I dropped by from BFS. Your blog has such a lovely look to it, I like it very much!

  5. Found you through BFS. Nice header. Hope you are feeling better.

  6. Welcome to BFS, hope you enjoy it. I'm back for the 2nd time.

  7. Get well soon - lovely pic on the blog. And yes I also stack my books in size order then alphabetical :0)

  8. Hi Kes,
    I found you through BFS.
    What an amazing life you are living.
    I am a Melbourne girl too, but I live in Sydney - nowhere near as exciting as you!!!
    I look forward to keeping up with your life's journeys.
    Kirst xx

  9. There isn't a lot of sun in Melbourne at the moment either, though we are told that summer will have a last hurrah over the next few days!

    I hope you enjoy BfS, I loved it last time and I am loving meeting even more people this time around :-)

  10. Thanks all for your comments about the blog - I found the template through while I was going through the Blueprint for Blogs from Shimelle - I'm loving the new look, much more me!


Thursday, March 24, 2011

Back, again...

I have been terribly lax here, once again...

I had a whirlwind trip home, had the job of packing up our much loved and hardly lived in apartment, had the absolute joy of catching up with friends and family who took time out of their own busy lives and schedules to arrange dinners, drive 5 hours cross country and just generally make the time to add an hour or two of me into their time...

I have returned to a clearing snowy landscape, that seems almost ready to give way to spring and some sunshine - although not sunshine in the sense that we know it as Australians, because there's still not a lot of warmth in it.  And of course to SO, who by all accounts seemed to somewhat miss me while I wasn't around...

I have also managed to pick up a bout of what is likely just a bad case of gastro - but after 13 days of semi regular vomiting and diarrhoea, a day of excruciating tummy pain and being able to hold nothing at all in sent me off to visit the doctor...  A couple of hours, a couple of blood tests and a testing kit to bring home with me saw me collapse into bed halfway through yesterday afternoon from where I have only moved to run back and forth to the bathroom and go and wander aimlessly around the kitchen, looking for things that might last for more than 5 minutes in my tummy...

On the plus side - I might actually get to catch up with some FaceBook gossip, I have finally gotten around to making a blog post, and I am finally starting the reading for an on line course on blogging for scrapbookers that I have signed up to blogging for scrapbookers.  I have even managed to find a different template for the blog, and think I've successfully attached it - not sure if I'm loving it yet, but I'm happy to know that I can do it - so, even from the pre-course material I've learned something from my course already!!

I guess that's about all the sharing for now - probably more than anyone wanted anyhow, but that's the goings on lately!!


  1. No good that you are sick lovey, hope you get to the bottom (no pun intended) soon.
    Sorry we didnt get to catch up whilst you were here
    Good to see you blogging again
    Love me

  2. Welcome to class - hope you enjoy it.

  3. Thanks Kaz, I think I'm starting to feel a bit better - we're back at the end of June for 'summer break' hopefully we'll work something in then!!

    Thanks for dropping by Jinnag - I love Shimelle's blog, so I'm thinking her class will be great!

  4. I dropped by from BFS. Your blog has such a lovely look to it, I like it very much!

  5. Found you through BFS. Nice header. Hope you are feeling better.

  6. Welcome to BFS, hope you enjoy it. I'm back for the 2nd time.

  7. Get well soon - lovely pic on the blog. And yes I also stack my books in size order then alphabetical :0)

  8. Hi Kes,
    I found you through BFS.
    What an amazing life you are living.
    I am a Melbourne girl too, but I live in Sydney - nowhere near as exciting as you!!!
    I look forward to keeping up with your life's journeys.
    Kirst xx

  9. There isn't a lot of sun in Melbourne at the moment either, though we are told that summer will have a last hurrah over the next few days!

    I hope you enjoy BfS, I loved it last time and I am loving meeting even more people this time around :-)

  10. Thanks all for your comments about the blog - I found the template through while I was going through the Blueprint for Blogs from Shimelle - I'm loving the new look, much more me!


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